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Smart Nation Scholarship: Launching dynamic tech careers for public good

As one of the most influential forces shaping our future, technology is driving a sweeping transformation in the way we live, work and play.
It’s also a powerful enabler of Singapore’s Smart Nation vision, a whole-of-government movement where digital initiatives create positive impact across areas such as cybersecurity, communications, government services, business transformation and everyday living.
Jointly offered by Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), Government Technology Agency (GovTech) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), the Smart Nation Scholarship offers young tech talents opportunities to build careers in applied technology for the public good.
A GovTech representative shares her hopes for Smart Nation scholars, and two scholars from CSA and IMDA discuss the opportunities and experiences they’ve had at school and work.

As digital natives, Singapore’s youths excel at developing innovative solutions. It is thus crucial to involve these young talents in advancing the Smart Nation agenda and provide them with the education and opportunities to fully unleash their potential.
“Leveraging young talents’ creativity and innovative mindsets as well as equipping them with tech skills will bring Singapore forward in our Smart Nation mission,” said Ms Kelly Chen, GovTech’s Young Talent lead.
One of the key steps in building a Smart Nation is to consider creative approaches to adopting technologies and delivering products and services, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
The Smart Nation Scholarship allows students who are passionate about tech to pursue their interests through local or overseas education. Upon graduation, Smart Nation scholars are presented with career opportunities at the forefront of tech for public good. A public sector tech career offers the same fast-paced and rewarding experiences as the private sector, with an added focus on the positive impact generated by the services and products developed for Singapore and its people.

Smart Nation Scholarship candidates need to rank the three government agencies in order of preference during the application process. Successful applicants will begin their careers in their selected agency’s graduate programme upon graduation.
CSA offers the Cybersecurity Development Programme, GovTech offers the Technology Associate Programme (TAP), and IMDA offers the Associate in Infocomm Media Graduate Programme. Scholars will have access to curated development initiatives such as career coaching as well as leadership and technical development to support and guide them in their early years with the agency.
“For example, scholars who join TAP will undergo rotations to gain exposure to the different types of work in GovTech and learn to view issues on a broader level,” said Ms Chen.
Before indicating their preferred agency, Smart Nation Scholarship applicants are encouraged to research the work done by CSA, GovTech and IMDA to see if it aligns with their vision of contributing to Singapore. Applicants should also explore the different functions within each agency and decide whether they prefer acquiring deep-domain knowledge or a broad spectrum of experiences, as this will shape their career pathways.
Ultimately, the most important factor in applying for the Smart Nation Scholarship is a deep passion for technology and serving the nation. Said Ms Chen: “It is this passion that pushes boundaries, uncovers the unmet needs of citizens and businesses, and results in great products and services.”
Going to Canada on an exchange programme gave IMDA’s Smart Nation scholar Tan Xin Yen a cultural immersion that opened her eyes to new perspectives. The experience broadened her academic horizons and deepened her understanding of the North American tech scene.
“I was surprised by how much a country’s culture influences its approach to technology adoption,” she recalled. “The experience gave me invaluable insights into innovative technologies and methodologies that I look forward to applying in my future endeavours with IMDA.”
The 23-year-old spent her exchange semester at Concordia University in Montreal as part of her Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems at NUS.
Thanks to the Smart Nation Scholarship, Ms Tan also had the opportunity to intern at IMDA’s PIXEL and BizTech Group, gaining real-world understanding of technological applications that complement her academic knowledge of programming, communications and business.
At PIXEL, an IMDA initiative that unites the innovation community of corporations, start-ups and industry partners, she completed research studies on infocomm technology developments, helped to develop programmes for stakeholders and contributed to the revamp of PIXEL’s website.
Her second internship at BizTech Group exposed her to 5G ecosystem building. She conducted studies on 5G use cases and solutions and fostered collaborations by liaising with key stakeholders.
“I explored how emerging technologies can address real-world industry challenges and contribute to the growth of Singapore’s 5G ecosystem through an understanding of public agency strategies and impact maximisation,” she added.
One memorable achievement was facilitating the organisation of the GSM Association (GSMA) Mobile 360 Asia Pacific 2022 conference in Singapore, where innovators, government representatives and decision-makers gathered to discuss how 5G could empower digital nations to achieve sustainable growth.
“Among the many valuable lessons, I learnt the importance of effective communication across different platforms and with various stakeholders,” said Ms Tan. “Good communication is the bridge that connects technology with people’s needs, ensuring that innovations are understood and effectively implemented.”
In her view, attending events like the GSMA conference and witnessing innovations in emerging technologies are two of the Smart Nation Scholarship’s most valuable aspects.
“Scholars are exposed to many talks and conferences that I find useful in enriching my knowledge about the technology field,” she said. “During my internship, I also participated in site visits where I learnt more about 5G implementation in businesses. These hands-on experiences demonstrated how the work comes to life and provided a sense of fulfilment.”
As a child, CSA’s Smart Nation scholar Jonathan Khoo’s first exposure to a hacker’s mindset came when he tried to crack the family computer’s password to play games. He succeeded by “shoulder surfing” his father and observing parts of the password.
“I still remember thinking about the possible combinations of numbers that would log into the account,” he shared. “Eventually, I managed to do so, much to my satisfaction.”
In his first year at the National University of Singapore in 2019, pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering with a second major in Innovation and Design, Mr Khoo was drawn to the dynamic nature of the cybersecurity field. Coupled with his desire to contribute to a sector that significantly impacts society, he applied for the Smart Nation Scholarship, with CSA as his agency.
Now 25, he is a systems engineer at CSA’s National Cyber Threat Monitoring Centre (NCTMC). There, he works with stakeholders to generate insights into the cyber threat landscape, aiding in proactive threat mitigation and enhancing cybersecurity.
“I chose CSA because I enjoy the more front-facing nature of the work. The cybersecurity landscape is vast and collaboration on many levels – from inter-division to inter-agency to international efforts – is commonplace,” he said.
Earlier this year, Mr Khoo was a principal liaison officer for Thailand’s Minister of Digital Economy and Society during the ASEAN Digital Ministers’ Meeting in Singapore, where regional representatives discussed a coordinated ASEAN approach to combating scams and building a trusted digital ecosystem.
“It was interesting to observe how discussions at the ASEAN level were held and how collaborations were done on an international platform,” he recounted. “I engaged with liaison officers from other agencies across Singapore as well as delegates from Thailand. The experience made me appreciate how expansive the digital realm can be, and how collaboration and teamwork extend past physical borders.”
Looking back at his decision to apply for the Smart Nation Scholarship, Mr Khoo is certain he made the right choice.
For starters, the assurance of a career straight after graduation eliminated the need to job-hunt during his final year of university. Instead, he had the freedom to pursue his tech interests in school, such as taking up cybersecurity modules at a post-graduate level and embarking on projects with industry partners.
“I truly enjoy what I do at NCTMC as it’s a combination of technical and non-technical work,” he explained. “The scholarship gave me an immersive and hands-on experience in the cybersecurity sector and showed me that cybersecurity is more than just the classic ‘hacking’ stereotype. There are many other facets, such as product testing and certification, attack simulation, threat monitoring, threat analysis and development engineering.”
For Ms Chen, watching young Smart Nation scholars embark on their journeys of learning and self-discovery is a rewarding experience. By attracting young talents with a passion to serve and providing them with opportunities for professional and personal development, the Smart Nation Scholarship enables them to make meaningful contributions in their areas of work.
“Technology is an enabler – it magnifies the positive impact created,” she reflected. “Seeing how one can contribute to making Singapore a better place is the most fulfilling thing about working in technology for public good.”
